Sunday, December 9, 2007

Japanese 1101 - First Semester

Hew~~~ I cannot believe that I am almost done with my first semester as a freshman at Columbia!@#$% I miss my high school. But mostly, I miss my high school for being a senior who knows everything (or at least it feels like it). Well, college is different. For the first time in my American life, I missed my family. OK Well, emotions out of the way...

I learned SO MUCH ALREADY! Compared to what I have learned in first semester French, I have learned so much more in Japanese, done more projects, and studied more. I guess that's why it's a 5 credit course. I definitely enjoyed working for a lot of the projects, but sometimes, and even as I type these words, I was too (I do not used this word - "too"- often) overwhelmed. I am so behind on homework and quizzes because I'm trying to keep up with my other work and doing projects at the same time. GAHHHHH!!!! Now, I'm beginning to freak out!@#$%^$#%

But, I really really enjoyed learning Japanese, especially with Fukai sensei. arigato gozaimasu!!


1 comment:

yukki said...

しゅくだいやプロジェクトがたくさんありますから、たいへんですね。でも、がくせいですから、しなければなりません... :-(

にほんごのべんきょうは、たのしかったですか。よかったです。We've learned so much and come so far in 15 weeks, don't you think? I hope you'll continue to study Japanese.

And don't freak out! Get some rest and be ready for the finals!